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TaleSpin - Game Gear

TaleSpin - Game Gear

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* Cartridge Only includes just the cartridge. *

TaleSpin for the Game Gear is a side-scrolling action game based on the Disney animated series of the same name. Released in 1993, it allows players to control the adventurous bear Baloo as he navigates through various levels. Throughout the game, players must dodge obstacles, collect items, and confront enemies. The game captures the essence of the animated series, emphasizing aerial maneuvers and the delivery of cargo, reflective of Baloo's role in the show. With its family-friendly content and connection to a popular cartoon, TaleSpin targets both younger players and fans of Disney's animated creations.

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Platform: Sega Game Gear
Release Date: November 29, 1992
Genre: Action
Developer: Interactive Designs
Publisher: Sega
Gameplay Mechanics: Platforming, shooting
Visual Style: 2D side-scrolling
Controller: standard
Single Player: Yes
Multiplayer: No
Local Multiplayer: undefined Players
Online Multiplayer: undefined Players

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