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Dood's Big Adventure - Wii

Dood's Big Adventure - Wii

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* Disc Plus includes the disc, case, and cover art; may not include instruction manual, DLC codes, or other inserts. *

Dood's Big Adventure is a family-friendly action-adventure game for the Nintendo Wii, designed for use with the uDraw GameTablet. Players create a custom character named Dood and navigate through 60 different levels spread across four gameplay modes. Employing the uDraw stylus, players draw, tilt, and maneuver Dood, solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles in a variety of environments. The game's creative element and easy-to-learn mechanics make it a suitable title for younger players and those interested in drawing and platforming gameplay.

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Platform: Nintendo Wii
Release Date: November 13, 2010
Genre: Action
ESRB Rating: E Comic Mischief
Developer: Pan Pipper
Publisher: THQ
Gameplay Mechanics: Drawing, Puzzle-solving
Visual Style: Cartoon
Controller: uDraw GameTablet
Single Player: Yes
Multiplayer: No
Local Multiplayer: undefined Players
Online Multiplayer: undefined Players

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