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Seaman (No Mic) - Dreamcast

Seaman (No Mic) - Dreamcast

Regular price $113.00 CAD
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* Disc Plus includes the disc, case, and cover art; may not include instruction manual, DLC codes, or other inserts. *

Seaman (No Mic) for the Sega Dreamcast is a unique virtual pet simulation game, without the interactive microphone functionality. Players nurture and communicate directly with a quirky anthropomorphic fish creature with a human face, named Seaman. The game blends life simulation with adventure elements, challenging players to keep Seaman alive by regulating his environment's temperature, oxygen levels, and feeding him, while also attempting to decipher his mysterious origin. The genre of Seaman (No Mic) could be classified as a life simulation with experimental and interactive storytelling aspects.

More Info

Platform: Sega Dreamcast
Release Date: August 8, 2000
Genre: Simulation
ESRB Rating: T Comic Mischief, Mild Language
Developer: Vivarium Inc.
Publisher: Sega
Gameplay Mechanics: Virtual pet, Life simulation
Visual Style: 3D, Realistic
Controller: standard
Single Player: Yes
Multiplayer: No
Local Multiplayer: undefined Players
Online Multiplayer: undefined Players

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